Square Root of 28

To find the square root of 28 you must identify the two perfect squares closest to the square root of 28, which are 25 and 36. I had to figure out what number was in the center of 25 and 36, it happened to be 31. Next I have to find out what 28 is closest to, 25, 31, or 36. But it is directly in the middle of 25 and 31. Finally I had to figure out what can multiply itself to get 28. I counted and it is 5.3.

All About Me

Hello everyone my name is Damion Way. I like foxes, huskies, pugs, and many other animals. My favorite colors are green, blue, purple, and black. I like skateboarding, bmxing, gaming, dirt bike riding, four-wheeler riding, and many other sports. I like to watch TV, play video games, browse the web, watch YouTube, and a lot of other things. i am working on my YouTube account (L1K3AF0X) I haven’t started making videos yet because i don’t have all of the equipment i need. BUT I will probably will start making videos very soon. I have tons of friend including best friends … Continue reading All About Me